Limiting Our Accessibility

We often hear the need to limit our access or better yet set our boundaries. But what does that really mean? How do we limit our access, especially in a world where social media takes such precedent. 

When talking about accessibility or boundary setting, you want to think about people, places and things that deplete your mental, physical and/or physiological spaces. Things that do more harm than benefit. For example, toxic relationships, one sided friendships, or places that make us regress. 

We limit accessibility by: Setting firm boundaries (i.e. not answering texts during certain hours, declining unnecessary engagements, and limiting what we share about ourselves), engaging in meaningful activities, and engaging in uplifting self care (i.e. exercise, meditation, pampering). 

Now that we have a bit of an idea on how to limit our accessibility and for what reasons we may have to, how will you be able to incorporate this into your own life? Save your capacities for people, places and things that are worth your magic.